Nov 24, 202310 min read
Ciaran stared into the sludgy expanse of No-Man’s Land, the distant artillery flashes as the only source of light. A year at the front...

Oct 27, 202311 min read
Undead in the Land of the Rising Sun
Corporal Jameson pressed the butt of his Tommy gun into his shoulder as he crested the ridge of the hill. Smoking shrapnel sizzled in the...

Oct 6, 20235 min read
Joe's Quarterly Rundown: Q3
Since I’m a corporate shill who runs their life on financial quarters, it might be fun to do a little run down of my favourite books in Q3

Sep 29, 20237 min read
A Good Name
Charity is one of the greatest virtues. That is what Temperance Smith had been taught all his life but when he shares his lunch with a weary

Sep 1, 20239 min read
Even Duds Can Kill
Yellow grass scrunched underfoot as they passed the monastery. The sun’s heat bore down on them, drenching their clothes with sweat. The...

Jul 28, 20239 min read
A Long Journey Home
James shuffled along a dirt road through the wilderness. Road stretched for miles ahead of him, those ancient cobbles the only sign of...

Jul 7, 20235 min read
Five Fictional Heroes that Inspire My Writing
Who doesn’t love a hero? Someone you can idealise, see yourself in, or aspire to. We love to follow them on great adventures, endure...